Breathwork Mastery

Discover the Transformative Power of Breathwork

This course will give you a life-changing understanding of how to use breathwork to shift your state, improve performance and explore altered states.

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Our next cohort runs Jan 15th - Feb 20st, 2025 (our last Spring 2024 cohort sold out).


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Jamie works with high-flying entrepreneurs, politicians and athletes to share the life changing power of breathwork. He is particularly interested in healing through altered states of consciousness and strongly believes breathwork is the most accessible, but powerful tool we have to create change in the world. 

Founder of The Breath Space


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Battling years of chronic illness led James on a journey of exploring all types of healing modalities. It wasn’t until he discovered the connection between the mind and the body that symptoms began to ease. He now teaches thousands of people around the world how to use their breath to move into a more regulated, calm and resilient state.

Founder of Breathe With James

Meet Your Guides

As two of the leading Breathworkers in the UK, we have both experienced the transformative power of the breath. We both believe in its ability to facilitate profound healing and growth. Together, we have taught thousands of people around the world.

Jamie's depth of understanding in the breathwork field is truly unparalleled. His expertise and passion shines through and he continues to share this work in an accessible and powerful way.

Dr. Tara Swart, Neuroscientist

James’ breathwork is just phenomenal. My husband and I swear by it. Making time for daily breathwork has made a real difference to my mental health and I feel calmer in myself.

Ella Mills, Deliciously Ella 

Why We Created This Course

There has been an explosion in the number of people practising breathwork in the Western world. As wonderful as this has been to see, there has also been a growing amount of misinformation and malpractice that has come with it too. The intention of this course is to cut through that and provide you with a proper intellectual and experiential deep dive into all aspects of breathwork and the many different ways in which one is able to use their breath to improve aspects of their emotional, physical and spiritual health.

The course combines everything that James and Jamie have learnt over years of practicing and teaching breathwork and is unrivalled in two of the leading breathwork experts coming together to share their knowledge.

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Is This Course for You?

We expect the people who are most willing to commit to this course will fall into one of three categories:

Type-A Seekers who are high achieving and increasingly aware of looking after their emotional health to prevent burnout.

Health Practitioners & Yoga Teachers who are curious to learn more about the power of breathwork and add stress-busting tools to their existing toolkit.

Curious Self-Healers who have an intellectual understanding of breathwork but are yet to develop a practice that sticks for long term healing and growth.

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“Shift your breath, shift your nervous system, shift your experience of life itself”

Jamie Clements – Co-Founder of Breathwork Mastery + Founder of The Breath Space

What You Will Learn

Discover the importance of functional breathing and how your breath shapes your emotional state.

Experience your breath as a bottom-up intervention for down-regulating sympathetic arousal using research-backed protocols for restoring ventral regulation.

Elevate your athletic performance through air hunger tolerance, nasal breathing adaptation and recovery protocols.

Integrate emotional debt that has been held deep within your nervous system.

Explore powerful altered states of consciousness for deeper self-awareness, self-connection and healing.

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The Breathwork Mastery Curriculum

Click on the panels below to expand each section

Week One - Breathwork Fundamentals

The Rise of Breathwork: an exploration into the surge of breathwork in the West and the importance of learning through reputable sources.

A Polyvagal Perspective: an introduction to polyvagal theory and the importance of applying a nervous system lens to breathwork.

Breath Awareness: your breath as an anchor and developing a relationship with your unique breathing pattern.

Week Two - Functional Breathing 

Dysfunctional breathing epidemic: most people’s breathing is getting worse and causing a myriad of physical and emotional health issues.

Biochemistry of breathing: breathe light + slow to increase oxygen delivery and ensure nervous system regulation.

Biomechanics of breathing: we have become a nation of chest-breathers - we need to retrain our diaphragmatic breathing muscles.

Biochemistry of breathing: increase CO2 tolerance to increase O2 delivery and reduce breathlessness.

Shut your mouth (both when awake and asleep): nasal breathing performs over 30 vital functions on behalf of the body.

Week Three - A Nervous System Lens

A bottom-up intervention: your breath is a physiological level that can rapidly shift your state through modulating the different branches of your nervous system.

Down-regulate sympathetic arousal: prolonged stress and trauma can result in sympathetic dominance. Your breath can help to restore ventral regulation. 

Up-regulate dorsal shutdown: thaw out a lethargic and heavy nervous system state by using more energising and mobilising breathwork techniques.

Widen your window of tolerance: the relationship between breathwork and increasing your psychobiological capacity.

Week Four - Breathe to Perform

Your breath as a bridge: the key to seamlessly linking and optimising your physical and psychological performance.

Shut your mouth (even more): the important role of nasal breathing for enhanced performance and recovery.

Air hunger: exploring the physical and mental impact of breath hold training on stamina, endurance and resilience.

The breathing gears: A blueprint for managing your energy systems for maximum performance and recovery during exercise.

Week Five - Altered States of Consciousness

Can my breath really do that?: what is conscious connected breathing and where has it come from?

From altered states to altered traits: the power of altered states of consciousness for healing and growth.

Process emotional debt: the role of the breath in exploring, clearing and processing emotions that are stored in the body and subconscious mind.

Navigating the wild west: how to explore therapeutic styles of breathwork safely to get maximum benefit.

Bonus Content

Bookshelf: curated reading and literature for those wishing to dive deeper and broaden their knowledge. 

Recommended training: want to become a Breathwork Facilitator? Jame and Jamie recommend how.

Breathwork for sleep: the importance of mouth breathing during sleep, intentional down-regulation before sleep and creating a sleep sanctuary.

Masterclass vault: the conversations we had with Guest Teachers from the previous cohort; including David Jackson, Conni Biesalksi and Richard Blake.

Every time I do James’ breathwork sessions they have such a profound impact on me. I feel like I’ve discovered a tool that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. 

Jack Harries, Documentary Filmaker

Working with Jamie has left me feeling less anxious, more clear-sighted and with a degree of inner peace I previously thought impossible. His calm, professional and empathetic manner always makes me feel really safe.

Elizabeth Day, Novelist + Journalist

So, How Does the Course Take Shape?

In-depth theoretical explorations: the course is combination of pre-recorded content and live sessions. Each week, you will have a suite of theoretical content to engage with in your own time.

Guided protocols and exercises: the intention of the course is to give you an embodied understanding of breathwork so there are guided protocols and exercises throughout. All of the protocols and exercises are completely safe and backed by quality peer-reviewed research.

Weekly live sessions: live zoom sessions with James and Jamie will consist of a combination of them teaching, interactive exercises and time for a Q&A on the material covered that week.

Masterclass sessions with guest teachers: We have carefully selected a few wonderful teachers to expand your understanding of breathwork. They are Karden Rabin, Satori Clarke and Martin McPhilimey. They will run masterclass sessions on their relevant topic of speciality.

Supportive community: The course has been designed to be as interactive as possible. You are invited to connect, share and support each other on your joint venture of moving towards breathwork mastery.

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Meet the Guest Teachers

There will be three live masterclass sessions from world-leading Breathwork experts. These sessions will be conversational so bring your questions!

Karden Rabin

Nervous System Teacher

Karden is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and expert in the field of psychophysiological disorders. He is also the Co-Author of The Secret Language of the Body and Co-Founder of Somia International.

Satori Clarke

Neuroscientist & Breathwork Researcher

Satori is a postgraduate in neuroscience and psychology, specialising in mental health. Her approach integrates an embodied and rich understanding of psychodynamics, applied neuroscience, breath mechanics, and functional physiology and nutrition.

Martin McPhilimey

Breath & Stress Scientist

Martin is a renowned authority in breath science, bringing together an impressive blend of expertise as a Respiratory and Sleep Scientist, Exercise Physiologist, and Behavioural Science Practitioner.

Course Logistics

Time Commitment

60 minutes per week for core content & protocols & exercises via pre-recorded audio to engage with in your own time.

75 minute live Zoom sessions will be held weekly on Thursdays at 6pm GMT (attendance is encouraged, but optional and all calls are recorded).

x3 60 minute live Masterclass sessions will be held on Tuesdays at 6pm GMT (attendance is encouraged, but optional and all calls are recorded).


The cost to enroll is £497 - payment can be made in a variety of instalments.

VIP Mentoring Package: There are 10 seats available for a Breathwork Mastery deep dive that includes 1:1 mentoring sessions with James and Jamie, priced at £1k - mention this in your application if this is of interest.

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“The more you practice bringing parasympathetic regulation online, the more your train neural pathways of down-regulation and the more relaxed and settled you tend to feel”

James Dowler – Co-Founder of Breathwork Mastery + Founder of Breathe With James

What Past Students Are Saying

James and Jamie the co-creators and hosts for Breathwork Mastery nailed it. I had a really difficult time culling through all the different courses in breathwork. Many felt cultish. Others were too narrow in scope. Breathwork Mastery opened my eyes to both the scientific and spiritual sides of breathwork - in equal measure. The curriculum was well paced with video and oral presentations. Great guest speakers. Plus both James and Jamie were truly experts in their craft. I am so happy I took this course and well on my way to making what I learned part of my everyday life.

Rick Haskins, President, Streaming & Chief Branding Officer, The CW

I felt excited for the calls each week to receive the wealth of knowledge James and Jamie have in this field along with their guest teachers, and also felt highly motivated to complete the weekly on demand content. We tapped into so many different areas of learning within the field of breathwork and not only has it given me extended knowledge to pass on to my students but also has taught me a lot about myself and my own health and what I need going forward. I was genuinely sad when the 5 weeks were over!

Erin Dusek, Pro Dancer & Yoga Teacher

Breathwork Mastery has been intellectually stimulating, emotionally enriching, and spiritually expanding. This five-week course is a wonderful overview of breathwork practices and of the breathwork industry (heretofore a maze to many!), led by two extraordinary and dogma-free breathwork masters, along with three stellar guest experts, who together address core principles and nuances of breath and the nervous system, sports performance and altered states. I appreciate how their knowledge and styles complement each other, and how they do not always agree. I consider them both gurus in this space and will continue to seek their tutelage.

Miranda Machado, Sinologist + Bodyworker 

I have worked as a Body Architect in the movement field for more than 25 years and I consider the breath to be one of the main pillars to efficient body work: on a mental, physical and spiritual level. Breathwork Mastery has been great as it provided fundamental knowledge and information about some popular breathing techniques. For my work it made clear that I´m absolutely right to adjust and vary the different breathing techniques to the clients needs even if they come for a certain breathing technique ;) Thank you James & Jamie for this outstanding course! I hope to be back :)

Barbara Mayr, Body Architect

If you're looking for a nuanced, nervous system-based “overview”(muuuch more content than just an overview :)) of the beathwork world, James and Jamie have you covered. I found it a really great course both theoretically and practically, all very clear and done with a lot of passion. The two of them are great mentors and will answer any questions you may have, resulting in exciting conversations in a great group. I loved this week and can highly recommend it!

Anina Schmid, Nature & Movement Lover

What an incredible insight into the world of breathwork!. It literally turned everything I thought breathwork was about on its head. I loved every second of it and really feel that Breathwork Mastery has been my first step into helping me heal and recover. It was also wonderful to be connected with so many like minded individuals. Words can’t express my gratitude - I hope this will be the first of many life changing cohorts! 

Sophie Macdonald, Ex-Athlete & Fitness Enthusiast 

Breathwork mastery is exceptional! The content has massively empowered me in my work with clients. I understand my nervous system on a deeper level now. The course has been transformational beyond words. Deepest gratitude, James & Jamie. 

Evangeline Di Michelle, Massage Specialist Trainer & Breath Coach 

A fantastic course that gives you a great understanding of the breathwork landscape as a whole. It’s opened my eyes to so much and helped me decide where I would like to delve further into the breathwork space. I was also impressed about how much it taught me about my behaviours in general (breathwork aside) and the impacts these have on my nervous system. I’m so grateful for this as it feels I now have a much better understanding of myself and how I can make more conscious decisions going forward.

Frazer Howitt, Senior Insight Manager

I thoroughly enjoyed James and Jamie’s connection. They have an approachable style that is suitable for everyone. I felt very at ease and the content was both super informative, but also easy to understand. I really enjoyed what I learnt and will continue their practices and exercises. Thanks guys! 

Maria Di Michelle, Breathworker 

Questions You Might Have

Explore the world of breathwork with James + Jamie

How long will I have access to the course content?

You will have access to all of the lessons, protocols + live sessions for three months after the course ends. You will also be able to join any future cohort for half price.

Is there a refund policy?

Yes, if you decide that the course isn’t for you within the first week, then you can reach out to us and we’ll refund your payment.

Can I get reimbursed by my employer? 

Good idea! Lots of companies today will reimburse tuition for personal development and training that increases wellbeing and reduces the chances of burnout. You can use this proposal template to make the cause to your team for investing in this course.

Is this course a teacher training?

No, this is a consumer facing course. As much as there will be skills, practices and teachings that one will be able to integrate into an existing clinical practice, Breathwork Mastery is not a teacher training and as such there will be no certification given.

Does it matter what time-zone I am in?

The weekly live sessions with Jamie and James will take place every Thursday at 6pm GMT and although attendance is encouraged, all sessions are recorded and you will be able to listen in your own time.

Are there any contraindications?

The educational material is appropriate for everyone, but there may be certain practical elements in the Performance and Altered States weeks that are not if you have cardiovascular issues, a history of seizure, strokes and epilepsy or if you are currently pregnant. If you fall into any of these categories, please contact us if you have any questions.

Contact us

If you have any further questions or queries, please feel free to contact us by email at:

Breathwork Mastery

Discover the transformative power of breathwork

© Breathwork Mastery 2024